Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scrapping again

I am working on a lot of pictures that have been sitting around for awhile. These are some of my favorite pictures. This is Gillian helping me make pizza dough. She is a riot. She put on her Disney Princess apron, rolled up her sleeves and informed me that, "ingredients are very important, Aunt Jana."

This is some scrap paper that I have been holding onto. Not sure I am convinced I like the way it wound up, but I can live with it. The sketch came from Sketchy Thursdays. Thanks to them for the fabulous inspiration.


  1. Really cute layout. I just found you through Jingle Belles. I am a bit behind in my commenting on everyone's cards.
    I am now a follower. I have to be. Us Jana's have to stick together.


  2. Thanks! Absolutely, Jana's need to back one another up!
